Impeachment and Bipartisanship

The Ideologies on the Left and Right for the most part are incompatible. Over the past 154 plus years we the people have never healed and have not only kept the wound open but we have have been pulling that wound wider and wider open. 

There are small things we agree on or can come to an agreement because we are whole. However, for the most part we are two entirely different entities under one flag and one constitution. One still governed by the people and the other by the secret societies JFK warned we the people about. 

This impeachment case will be decided. Another election will be held within the near future but the two sides will see this very differently and the animosity from both sides will grow. One side will see this as an attack on their power and control. The other will see it as an attack on truth and justice. 

It's not just Ideologies of political, no. It's Ideologies of right and wrong. It's use of those moral ideologies that are used to interpret the constitution, bill of rights, laws and regulations of the land. 

There is so much need for reform in this country, It is time for some major conversations in this constitutional republic, over right and wrong. It's time to readdress what our core values and morals are. It's time we as a people act as becoming of Americans and held our government and our elected leaders to the same standard. 

It's time we said no one shall hold office or any government position that is unbecoming of the United States. It's time we as a people used our voting rights and our ability to speak  out, to speak up. To challenge anything and everything wrong with our country. It's time we became one again. One flag, One Nation, and One People.


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