The World Doesn't Stop For Anyone's Bubble.
Something Centrists all the way to the far right know is true but dont want to admit. Trumpers are Causing a rift across the entire country, and Centrists are causing a rift across the entire left wing of this country. Both are causing a rift around the globe. Nothing to the right of a liberal represents unity. Nothing right of the liberal Ideology spectrum will bring us the American people or even the world together.
It's all corruption, greed, stagnation, regression, corporations, irresponsiblity, parsimony, selfishness, and control. They ignore the problems of the middle and working class. They treat the poor and the sick like vermin who must be eradicated. They ignore or pretend to care problems that face us as a planet. They claim every fix is to expensive, and treat human lives like their loss has no value.
We're evolving on everything, our population and problems are growing. Yet we're using outdated policies to run or fix our issues. As we are slipping further into poverty, chaos, and towards our own extinction. The right wing asks "who's gonna pay", and then says "not me!". The Centrists say "it's radical and costs too much, we can't afford it!". We pay for it every day with the loss of life, and it's not just human life.
Everyday we do nothing except fight among ourselves, while nothing gets improved. We further divide from each other, and the love of humanity gets replaced with fear, resentment, and hate for our fellow man. Not due to skin color, sex, or religion but for Ideology and moral compass.
We are on the verge of not just an American civil war but a global war. People are willing to uprise to save our planet because the elite don't want to fix anything, those on the right think they don't have to do nothing, and will be saved by the rapture. While those in the middle think they can continue to hold down those trying to make a difference, while they keep doing the same things we been doing the past 80 years. At some point either we're gonna be heard, going to start being proactive towards tackling the problems facing humanity, or we're all gonna day from endless war and eventual extinction.
Keep it 💯‼ I invite you to share this article with everyone. Not for debate but to open other's eyes. While this article may fall on a lot of closed minds, my hope is that it gets to some open minds, who open their eyes and ears to what's going on and to what needs to be done. Thank you.
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