The Race card is not an excuse to get out of social responsibility.

This is a touchy subject that might offend a few people. It's not my intent to offend anybody. However, when it comes to politics, that's just part how things go. I stand by the title. Stop crying wolf.

Person on WDKX (local radio station) just said they saw lynchings down south in the slavery days. This is 2020. While oppression, bigotry, racism, and segregation existed in the south; While lynching still occurred in the south since the 1860s, nobody alive today saw the slavery era.

The loss of life is tragic, and people are allowed to mourn. However, don't use the race card because the community gets upset about large crowds gathering  with a city mayor, while we're under a social distancing order and the crowd that's mourning is putting the lives of the entire community at risk. 

Think about the person that died, were they that narcissistic that they would put the lives of 250, 000 at risk just so people could go to the spot where they died and mourn them? I seriously doubt it, and for the memory of the deceased, I hope I'm not wrong because if I am they're not worth Mourning. 

Don't disgrace the deceased's name, trying to play the race card when you're getting called out because the community thinks you're in the wrong. 

The Discrimination card gets played way to much these days by people when they're in the wrong. Not everything has to do with race and when race is used in situations where it's unjustified, it makes people less empathetic or sympathetic to the cause. It's detrimental so stop Doing it.


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