Entitled F***s need to be prosecuted for acting unbecoming of American citizens.

Few weeks ago a family dollar Security guard is killed for enforcing store mask policy. Teenage McDonalds' Employees were then shot because their private dining room was closed for public safety reasons. Now a target employee has their arm broken.

Essential employees and responsible citizens are being attacked and having their masks ripped off their faces by people who don't want to live in reality.

Right wing media is pushing propaganda as news to try and discredit the scientists and health officials. They are spreading fear and causing animosity because they're corporate owners are losing money with the shutdown. They do not care about the population, just how much money they make.

If you think you're liberties are being taken away you're entitled. So entitled that you're putting yourself before your fellow citizens and your country. How unbecoming of an American. 

There are laws for those unbecoming of American citizens, the government should start enforcing them to protect the American people. 

Many of you are committing domestic terrorism or are committing treason by supporting it. If you've said "Well if they weren't taking away our liberties...", condoning the domestic terrorism; congratulations you've commented treason. 

News Flash! While you're bitching to the left "facts don't care about your feelings" , you're putting "your feelings" a head of the facts. 

The Virus is deadly. It is here. It's not going anywhere. In situations like this, the 10th amendment allows the government to give the stay at home orders. It allows them to require citizens to wear masks. It allows the government to suspend personal liberties to protect the lives of the population because life comes before liberty. 

Retail stores and restaurants are not public property just because they're open to the public. You have rules at your house to keep yourself your family safe. Stores are doing the same thing for their employees, whom have the right to ask their employers to keep them safe while the virus is around.

Don't like it, find another store. Send someone else to go for you. People's right to life is more important that your personal liberty to walk around spreading the virus because you want to be irresponsible. Even if you have a medical condition, stores have a right to refuse you for not wearing a mask.

Essentially workers have a medical condition too, it's call being healthy and they're at high risk of catching a virus from people without masks. So please think of someone other than yourself selves.

If you can't wear a mask, again send someone else to shop for you. By trying to break store policies, you're disrupting the peace if stores have to ask you to wear a mask and you refuse to leave and cause a scene. 

You're at risk leaving the house, even greater risk without a mask. So if you're not wearing a mask for medical reasons, you shouldn't leave your house for those same medical reasons.

Take this seriously, it's deadlier than the flu. Just because numbers are dropping because of social distancing, doesn't mean we beat it. Until there is a vaccine and treatment for those infected, nobody's safe. The numbers can go back it. 

The only reason the virus is still around is because of irresponsibility. Irresponsibility that started with president Trump and trickled it's way down to the lowest members in the population. We're never going to get rid of it now because every living generation of Americans was too entitled to follow the rules for a few weeks. 



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