Under Our State Of Emergency, It's Time Rochester Enacted The 10th Amendment.
Yes I am aware this will upset sociopaths, Regressives, Anarchists, and scofflaws but it needs to be said. There's a difference in enforcing the law in lawless areas and Authoritarianism.
From Lyell to Ridge and Mt Read to lake ave - From 390 to lyell and from exchange to the canal - From East ridge to East main and from the river to culver, these high crime areas have had nothing but a bunch of people who believe in old west street law, who don't believe in the body of government elected by the people or the laws the people elected pass. "Snitches get stitches and the silent end up dead."
We've coddled the Right-wing far enough in Rochester. It's time to start passing real laws in the Rochester area and to start making law enforcement due their job and enforcement it.
We're under a state of emergency, the constitution has the 10th amendment which makes enforcing social responsibility legal. (BOO YA), get the local guard to back up the boys in blue. Get the rulers out and start cracking knuckles. It's time the people took back their community and supported the government and our local law enforcement by saying "NO MORE".
For every stitch you don't take, how many end up in the ground. Stop being a coward, your voice is an arm, use it to defend the free land known as Rochester. The criminals and street mentality are causing tyranny and oppression for the people Rochester. Use your voice to take on the Tyranny, That's why you have the right to free speech, because a person with free speech is always armed. Speak up either directly or call the police. Act becoming of Rochestarians, act becoming of Americans.
A well governored people are a free people in a free land. Smaller government leads to higher crime. Where are our civil rights leaders? How come they only speak up when it's hate crimes? Where are our spiritual Leaders, how come our religious leaders almost never speak up? Our money doesn't have to go on the donation plate. Where are our politicians, how come they're silent and hiding? This is an election year.
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