I'm On The Verge of Complete Misanthropy and Apathy and I'm not alone.

Over my life, when it comes to politics and voting, I have learned majority of the people I know have apathy towards those subjects. I have still tried to participate and to get others to do so.

Over the past twenty years I have become misanthropic towards civilization, I still have faith that Humanity can do the right thing but no hope that they will.

I realize I am slowly becoming apathetic towards social problems and politics, especially shootings because the only things that's ever done is thoughts are thought and prayers are prayed. Issued get ignored or solutions get brought up for vote and reject.

I looked up the definition of Libtard and even wrote an article on it. Libtards by definition are normally right about problems and the solutions to those problems but don't know how to talk to people to get them passed. Basically, they don't know how to sell it to the right or the centrists, so that the GOP and Centrists can find a way to make money off of the solutions.

I am not to the point of fuck, if we die, we die; yet but I am getting there. I actually left the Democratic party this year. Majority of the party is right wing and should be at the RNC as registered Republicans. Generation X and the boomers really have a different mind set from Xennials, Millennials and Gen Z. The remaining Silent generation are still silent.

So one party pretty much wants to keep everything at a stand still, while knowing our country and planet are ravaged with issues. While the other wants to undo shit and bring back old problems and pretend problems don't exist.

Like what's the point? We have protests going on but where are the amendments, where are the bills & laws that need to be passed? Where are the arrests, the convictions? Where is the reform?

Why vote? Biden told progressives and other left wing not to vote for him, doesn't give a shit about non corporatist, social policies. We need more than "he's not trump" and a power hungry "minority female VP".

The other party is all about the plutocrats and becoming an authoritarian dictatorship, with calls to make trump president for life. To give the controlling party of both the house and senate 100% control of their respected chamber, preferably while under Republican control. Any right winger who says their party does not, is out of touch with their base. 

To make matters worse, centrists and right wingers are obtrusive and force they're way on to others. They try to force others to vote for their candidates. They're okay with voter suppression and rigging elections. As long as it's not their candidates.

It really is becoming like really, why bother. The worst thing is I'm not the only who's going through this mental state.


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