26 things you may not know about introverts, that we want you to understand.
There are extroverts who need social interaction, introverts who need little to no social interaction, and ambiverts who fall somewhere in between. Introverts get shunned because people don't understand them. Here are some things you may not know.
1) Introverts need alone time and a lot of personal space. It's their sanctuary and how they recharge. Social situations are very draining and can make Introverts irritable and cranky. An introvert can be busy just being alone sitting on their couch, when asked if they want to attend a social engagement. Extroverts use this to get out of things but Introverts truly are busy recharging.
2) Introverts tend to have a lot of acquaintances, with only a very few people who are actually friends. That doesn't mean they don't care. It means that most people are a per need basis or business relationship and only a select few are they intimate with or close to. Members of an Introvert's family are often acquaintances. In rare cases, some never make an intimate connection with anyone. Introverts are extremely loyal to those select few who make their circle.
3) Introverts get drained fast in social situations. While for an extrovert 10-15 people might seem like a small number, to an introvert that's like 50-75 people. Introverts prefer smaller groups of 1-3 people and start getting very uncomfortable when the group gets to 5 or more. Many Introverts also deal with social anxiety and maybe socially awkward or inept.
Introverts may choose work or stay home as a defense to keep from having to attend social functions that are going to physically and mentally drain them.
4) Introverts can go weeks, months, and for some years without talking to their friends. It's not that they don't care, they just don't need the small talk. Most will carry on conversations via text or social media, if you start a conversation. However don't try to force them to communicate via phone or video, it's a surefire way to get avoided.
Many Introverts can get all the socialization they need from a relationship in 15 minutes or less. Many people will notice Introverts on their phones or keeping to themselves at social gatherings or that conversation are short and after a few minutes Introverts stop talking or texting on the phone. That's normally a sign the Introvert has reached their limits and is being polite.
Introverts can become over chatty in work environments due to nervousness, annoying coworkers because they won't stop rambling. Understand that and try to find something to break the ice.
5) Many Introverts are on social overload from being in the wrong career field. The work force is a hard place to be, if one is an introvert. Solo jobs are hard to come by. Since Introverts aren't social creatures, being forced to socialize as a way to survive in modern society, they will avoid social gatherings that they would like to attend because they cannot handle it.
6) Introverts are misunderstood. Introverts are often thought of as weak, weird, antisocial, rude, or uppity, and unfortunately mean, or, creepy. Majority of Introverts have been either picked on and bullied or exiled. Some experience all three.
7) Introverts take rejection and abandonment hard. It takes a lot for an introvert to let someone into their small circle, to form an intimate personal connection. Thus for an introvert being reject and or abandoned can have the same impact on them as if the person died.
8) Introverts are often smarter than people realize. Introverts are not normally the most street smart. They don't often know proper etiquette for social engagements. This leads to the perception that Introverts are lower Intelligent and lack common sense. Introverts are often quite smart. While Introverts might not always know what to do in social situations, Introverts are prone to "dumbing down" or hiding their intelligence. Thus most introverts develop a sarcastic sense of humor.
9) Introverts are okay being alone for the most part. Introverts do get lonely from time to time and because it can be hard to be around one of the few they let into their circle, many Introverts have a pet that keeps them company and is their companion, their child.
10) Introverts don't pay attention to social trends or events. They often don't know what's going on in a lot of different popular areas. They also tend to be more concerned with what's going on around them then across a crowded room.
11) Introverts tend to keep their frustrations bottled up until they blow. Intoverts tend to be implosive. They may explode all their frustrations out on someone who doesn't deserve it.
12) Introverts over think things and notice things a lot of people don't. Due to their overthinking, when they're wrong it can cause problems.
13) Introverts have trouble explaining things. Thus they may sound like they're talking down to someone or over complicating simple tasks. Introverts tend not to be good managers or teachers because they end up doing the work instead of explaining to others and letting others do the work.
14) Introverts hate being interrupted. When they're doing something, whether it's a project or talking to someone, they hate having to pause what they're doing. Furthermore, they hate when someone cuts them off while they're talking. It can cause them to hold grudges.
Introverts often don't know when to speak and will start talking the second someone pauses. They get extremely annoyed when people monologue. With socializing, thanks to modern technology, many Introverts resort to texts and emails over face to face conversations.
Introverts also don't tend to talk during meals. It's get the task at hand done and then talk or listen. Talking to an Introvert while they're doing something is a sure bet that they missed part or all of what you said.
15) Just because an Introvert is quiet, doesn't mean they're not enjoying themselves. Introverts may start pacing or fidgeting when they're not enjoying themselves. They may try to disappear or go out of their way to distance themselves from others when they're not enjoying themselves or need a recharge.
16) Introverts don't think they're better or smarter than everyone. Yes, some Introverts can be narcissists but that's not the majority. Introverts can be judgmental but not all are. Introverts often have issues with facts being wrong. Often due to the fact that they're more intellectual than social. Introverts often also tend to be perfectionists but not always.
17) Introverts aren't the best at social planning. They also don't do well with changes to planned events. If you're going to make a change to a social engagement, talk to them first. Introverts don't normally like or feel comfortable with surprises. Introverts also struggle to come up with plan B, when things go bad in social situations. They may need you to take it from there.
18) Introverts don't always take criticism well. Because Introverts aren't social, it can be deemed as an attack. Especially since they probably get or have been bullied or picked on for being Introverted. You can show them their mistake but don't be authoritative or condescending. If you're in their circle, they may view it as a betrayal.
19) As you can guess Introverts often suffer from low self-esteem from people not understanding them and treating them poorly. They may need help boosting their confidence, especially if you criticize them.
20) Introverts don't need fixing and are normal. Almost half the human population is Introverted. Yet because extroverts have dominated society for so long, they've labeled a stigmatism on introverts.
21) Introverts tend to be more likely to be misanthropic due to life experiences and not fitting in, in an extroverted society. Things most non Introverts take for granted or ignore, tend to annoy Introverts. Introverts don't tend to like loud people or people who show no human decency. Introverts have zero tolerance for people who act uncivilized.
22) Introverts have good memories, better memories than ambiverts and extroverts. If an introvert says something always happens or a person does something a lot, they're normally right. This makes it hard for introverts to forgive and forget, when they are wronged. At the same time, Introverts tend not to pay attention to things they view as unimportant.
Combined with the fact that Introverts are over thinkers, Introverts have trouble letting things go.
23) Introverts often struggle with dating and flirtation. Introverts tend to be straight and to the point, and would rather court. They often miss subtle clues and need things spelled out. Most Introverts prefer to be chased or for you to make the first move. So be blunt.
Introverts also fall in lust and love quicker than extroverts. They're prone to love at first sight. They also love deeper or completely, so the ending of a relationship is harder mentally and emotionally for Introverts.
24) Introverts take longer to analyze their emotions but are better at self analysis then extroverts. Don't rush an Introvert for how they feel on a subject, give them time to digest it. You can actually harm a relationship with an introvert by forcing them to make a rash decision.
25) Introverts can make themselves laugh. They maybe the only one who gets their joke or sense of humor. It can be discouraging at times if you complain about not getting their humor too much and may cause them to bottle up around you.
26) Introverts tend to have solo hobbies. It should come as no surprise as introverts spend most of their time alone. This is not to say Introverts can't enjoy group activities, there's just not a lot of them Introverts do often or like. Introverts also struggle to come with group activities.
I am an introvert and have known other Introverts. These are things I have experienced or noticed from other introverts. Along with years of reading to see if introversion was normal or not. It was on my mind today, so I wrote this blog.
Some Introverts are more Introverted than others, and thus there are always those who are an exception or fall outside the norms. Especially the Introverts who are closer to the ambivert personality, keep that in mind. If you know an introvert, that you care about. Talk to them, try to learn their Introverted traits.
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