Centrists showing how hypocritical they are, coming out purple after a vote blue no matter what election.

Centrists were telling Democrats to vote blue no matter what in the primary. They said they didn't want any issues from the Bernie bros. 

When the candidates started feeling the burn, out came the never Bernie crowd. They had Biden enter but Bernie was still popular, so the had Bloomberg bring in the cash and propaganda machine to attack Bernie. 

Bernie continued to put up a fight and when his voters asked Joe to address our national problems, he told them to vote for the other guy. 

The propaganda machine went into over drive and the never Bernie people got their way. The Bernie people demanded solutions to our problems in exchange for their votes. 

The Centrists were like "but Biden not being Trump is all you need". The left kept pushing and the Centrists said this isn't about policy, this is about morals and ethics; it's about character. The left said one's policies are a reflection their morals and their character. 

Election came and Biden won, people could not in good concious let Trump win again but make no mistake, he did have the support of the left. The left would've voted for Hawkins but too many in the center left were voting Trump.

The left lost many seats and the Centrists blamed Progressives and Socialists. The far left responded with "we won our seats". Much to the chagrin of the Centrists.

Conservatives and right wingers continued their verbal attacks on Joe, calling him a "socialist" and saying "his blue policies were going to kill us". 

Centrists have been responding to the right, telling them that Biden is not a centrist and that "centrists are purple, not blue!" They're defending their rigging of the primary in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. 

They're also defending their attack on anyone from the left that isn't a centrists. That they'd rather have a moderate republican over a progressive. Claiming progressives ideas aren't popular, even though ideas like medicare for all have over a 70% popularity with the country. 

This coming out as purple now that the election's over, shows how hypocritical Centrists are. They demanded at the start of the primary that everyone vote blue and said that Bernie wasn't a real Democrat, yet they're saying they're purple. Real Democrats are blue. 

For Centrists, this election wasn't about doing what's best for America. It wasn't about character, it wasn't about ethics, and it damn sure wasn't about morals. For them it was about winning, it was about power.

The progressive and socialist base spent four years legally fighting to bring Trump to justice over morals and ethics, in the honor of our country's character. His supporters said it was "a witch hunt", the fight from the far left was honest and sincere. 

The fight from the center left was a witch hunt, it was corrupt and being Centrists out numbered progressives, it was obvious for all to see. Progressives needed the support of the Centrists to bring Trump to justice and worked with the morally questionable members of the party. 

The center left is truly a bunch of right wing corporate conservatives cosplaying as left wing Democrats and the only difference is unlike the Republicans who are openly corrupt, Centrists try to operate in the shadows and will stab anyone in the back to maintain power; while the right wing will openly shoot someone in the face because they know they'll get away with it.

Since Centrists are openly coming out purple since Biden won, progressives need to leave the democratic party and join the socialist or green party, and any liberal with a backbone needs to do the same. As long as Centrists are in charge of the democratic party. Neither main party will be putting America first, for a long long time.


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