Constitution for Dummies

I decided I wanted to write a simple understanding of the constitution. To see if I could simplify what it was saying. The constitution is overwhelming to look at. It is an extremely boring read on top of that. Add in outdated old english terms or writing style and those three factors are enough to turn every red blood American away from reading it. I can tell you I get a migraine just reading article 1, every time I read it. I changed some of the words in the intro to their definitions. So here it is.

Article 1
We the People of the United states, to create a more perfect coming together, establish the principles of right actions, to insure national peace, provide for the military, Promote general aid in the form of necessities for those in need, and secure things conducive to the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges to ourselves and future generations, do issue an order to create this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section I
We legally gave Congress 100% ability to make all laws, financial decisions, and to tax us as they see fit for our best interests.
Section II
We will choose political leaders who will not be allowed to live in their state while serving. Those political servants will be in charge of dividing taxes how they are fit. The number of federal politicians each state gets will be determined by population, which will be counted every ten years. If an opening happens an administrator shall issue an order to have an election held to replace members. The members will choose their leaders to fill their chain of command.
Section III
Each state shall have two senators with one vote a piece, chosen by Congress otherwise known as the legislature, for six year terms.

Senators are broken down into three groups for some reason, I do not understand. If Senate is on break and an opening occurs, the leader can appoint someone to take their place until the senate comes returns. To be a senator, be 30. A senator cannot live in their state while in office.

The vice president is the chief executive officer of the Senate but can only vote if there is a tie. The senate can choose a fill in, incase the vice president is not able to perform his duties in the Senate. What powers beyond voting in case of a tie the vice president has in the senate, is not written in article 1.

The senate will be the court for all trials to remove politicians from office. The chief justice will hear the case and the Senate must have 2/3 vote in support to remove a politician.
Section IV
State choose the time and dates of elections but Congress who only has to meet once a year, can choose to override state decisions on elections unless laws are written otherwise to stop them.
Section V
Both Senate and house of representatives are the whiteness of their elections, the votes members, and the qualifications. I assume they mean of the election but they could mean qualifications to become members of Congress. Neither side can take a break without the other's approval. They must work in the same building, and are in charge of deciding everything to do with their respective part of the house of Congress, which they are required to record everything congress does.
Section VI
Congress shall be paid form the treasury for their service and cannot be arrested except for Treason, Felony and Breach of peace (I assume public disturbances). They cannot hold any other political office while being a member of Congress.
Section VII
The house will come up with all Bills for raising money including the senate. The Senate can agree to make changes or vote on any other bill.

For any bill to become law, the president must sign it. However, the president can refuse to sign and veto any bill passed by the house and Senate. They have 10 days to return the bill to congress or it becomes law. The bill will go back to the original house that submitted the bill. They must record the reason for veto. If they decide to vote to pass it anyways, they need 2/3 approval. If they get it, the other chamber of Congress must also approve by 2/3s for it to become law.
Section VIII
Congress has rights to decided how it uses taxes collected for national spending. It also gets to decide laws on doing business with foreign nations and Native Americans.

Congress sets rules and requirements for new citizenship, bankruptcy, printing money and deciding the value of our money. They can Borrow money from the government when needed. Are in charge of creating post offices and roads or infrastructure.

They're in charge of calling for and paying military forces including the militia. Which was not supposed to be active for more that two years. They're also in charge of purchasing federal land.
Section IX
Congress shall decide immigration and deportation. They may charge a fee of $10 tax for immigration into our country. Exports cannot be taxed with government money and government money cannot be given to businesses without law and recording of the money. There cannot be any favoritism of any ports of entry or trade. Noone holding office is allowed to take a royal title and the United States will issue no such titles 
Section X
States are not allowed to make deals with foreign countries. They are not allowed to tax imports or exports, and they are not allowed to hold the military in their state unless during times of war or under attack.


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