Small Businesses Are Being Punished For The Election Outcome.

Steve Mnuchin and the presidential administration have finally shown without a shadow of a doubt, what they think if small businesses and their owners in the United States.

They're done bailing out the big corporations, so they're taking back the money. Almost half a billion dollars that small businesses desperately need.  Mnuchin says there's even more money.

This statement here by Mnuchin says they don't care about small businesses. 

"Markets should be very comfortable that we have plenty of capacity left." he said. "To the extent these need to be reactivated, we have over $800 billion of capacity so I consider that to be a pretty good bazooka."

Now is the time for Biden to actually start leading and to work with Pelosi, Schumer, and the governors to get that money to small businesses that need it. 

Corporate or conservative democrats if you will, said Biden was the antibiotic to the virus that has infected the United States for the past four years. While he might not be president yet, he still has a lot of power at his disposal. Let's see if he's just a smaller virus or an antidote.

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