untitled poem - November 2020

Each line is 6 syllables

The dreaded trudge to work
Can't afford no call no show
Back pain and a tense knee
Eight hours of boredom
Not able to do much
A tour and patrol
No freedom all controlled
This is my prison cell
It's my choice but it's not
Survival must come first
No lotto no money
No genie no fairy
Just my blood sweat and tears
Social humility
Working for all I have
Career discontentment
Love life gone D.O.A.
Writing poems or lyrics
insane contentment
Trying to be my best
Making the most of it
Groundhogs day all over
Riots over elections
Protests over shootings
Masks, lockdowns and closures
Selfish and entitled
Need a reason to bitch
Many assholes and fucktards
I'm trying to ignore
They're Everywhere I turn
Get a life, go get laid
My head hurts from these clowns
Sitting at work times dragging
Getting paid for nothing
Making Easy money
Wondering what's it worth
Watching my stomach girth
Uniforms gotten snug
Sweep me under the rug
I'm grateful for it all
Words bouncing off the wall
Flushed down the toilet stall
Still twenty twenty y'all
Remember the lesson
Class is still in session
Let's all come together
And make this december
Something to remember


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