Even though majority of Americans identified as Democrat, the majority is still center right.
Ever wonder why is it so hard for America to evolve and actually fix it's problems. Why America seems to be stuck in a repetitive cycle. The answer is there's more red and purple ideology than blue and green. Older Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the remaining Silent Generation have a strangle hold on American politics.
In 2021, According to Gallup 49% of Adults were Democrats, 40% were Republican, and 11% were independent. Which looks like progress should be coming but Gallup also noted that in 2021, 36% of Americans identified as Conservative, 35% Moderate, and 25% as liberal. Meaning 71% of Amerca was barely left of center to far right.
They also noted that of the 11% who were Independent, 48% Identified as moderate, 29% as conservative, and 20% as liberal. Meaning 77% of independents weren't likely to support liberal or progressive ideas.
According to PEW in 2020, only 47% of Democrats identify as liberal, 38% Identified as moderate/centrists, and 14% identified as conservative. Making majority of Democrats right of liberal or purple fading to red in the grand color scheme. This poll grouped progressives and liberals together.
According to PRRI 55% of Republicans Identify as conservative, 37% are right of conservative (regressive/alt-right), 12% Identified as libertarian with 57% of libertarians identifying as conservative libertarian, and 8% of Republicans identified a Moderate or liberal.
PRRI also reported that only 39% of libertarians identify as moderate, and 3% identified as liberal, leaving 1% undecided or true independent.
In 2020 according to NPR , 76% of Democrats said they would support a socialist president, and 50% of Democrats said they support socialism compared to 7% of Republicans and 23% of Independents. However Only 28% of adult Americans as a whole favor socialism, while 58% oppose, and 14% have no opinion. With those age 50 and over making up the majority of those who oppose.
Majority of Democrats were vote blue no matter what. Almost a quarter of Sanders supporters were Bernie or bust and willing to vote third party, while almost half of Biden supporters were never Bernie and willing to vote for Trump or a third party instead of staying home. The differences clearly show where their colors really lie, either blue-green or red-violet on the political scale.
One might ask why don't conservative Democrats go to the Republican party but you have to remember conservatives are hard headed and don't like change. Thus they'll stay in the Democratic party and fight change there, instead of making a small change of party affiliation on their voter registration forms and going to a party that supports their ideological views.
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