Introverted struggles with dating, mainly men's issues.

Introverts and extroverts are not the same. They're wired differently. And thus extroverts have an easier time than introverts with dating. The are many reasons why introverts have it tougher and most of the dating advice is extroverted and tells people to walk away of people struggle in these areas.

The less a female is into a guy, the more he has to be able to carry a conversation or make her laugh. And the more introverted a woman is, typically the more she will need to be met on an intellectual level.

Introverts aren't known for their socializing skills especially event planning, small talk, or sense of humor. Thus the more introverted one is, the lower their odds of finding a relationship due to having traits in these areas.

Women normally like to have activities planned. Even in the modern age of equality, women still expect guys to pursue them and to have an active planned. Typically that idea is more than eating or mating. 

Again extroverts have the advantage here. They enjoy being away from their homes. They don't need a sanctuary to calm down and recharge at like introverts do.

Extroverts are likely to know enjoyable places to take a date, like mini golf, a dive bar, a club. Places introverts would probably avoid. Again, the more introverted one is, the harder it is to come up with these. For some introverts a date is going to a greasy spoon or taking a short stroll after getting an ice cream cone. What introverts tend to forget is they have to talk during these times.

Clothing is another thing. For an introvert they probably dress practical. Thus their style maybe out dated. Extroverts pay attention to fashion and keep up with current trends. They're constantly spending money on clothing. For introverts, that's often not always true. So an introvert might not be able to dress for every occasion.

This can hurt an introverts chances of luring a romantic prospect. As women tend to go off appearance just as much as men do and will be less attracted to the attire of many introverts.

Extroverts also have the advantage of larger social circles. To where introverts have smaller circles and a lot of acquaintances. Thus extroverts are likely to have more opportunities to meet someone through a friend or family. Many times this can be a crutch relied on in dating. And unlike extroverts who's circle has interchangeable members often. It's much slower for introverts to replace people.

Substance has been known to help during dating. It's why bars are such a popular place for singles. Individuals may build relationships off of their experiences while under the influence. This also happens with recreational drugs. Like with social circles, this can be a crutch.

However, if one is not into ingesting substances, an extrovert will have an easier time socializing than an introvert because they have traits to fall back on. The introvert frequently will get called a buzz kill in these situations if they don't partake in getting inebriated.

All of this and I am sure there's a few other things make getting rejected a very common occurrence for introverts. Rejection at a rate much much higher than extroverts. Extroverts have clique quotes for rejection. Because their chances of success are much higher than an introvert, they'll keep trying knowing eventually they'll end up in a relationship. 

To where an introvert is likely to get discouraged and eventually quit seeking a companion. And I didn't even mention that introverts are normally more picky and require internal qualities from a woman that has caught their eye physical. It can be like an introvert turns into a demisexual. The more introverted a person is, the higher the odds of this.

Meaning introverts are more likely to be alone and single than an extrovert because they have more struggles in this department. And introverts are often not bothered by being alone. Their loneliness is normally circumstantial and it's those instances that make them feel the desire for a life partner or mate.


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