Pro Choice Is Sexist
First let me say I am pro choice. I do not believe abortion should be banned. And secondly, I want very much to be a father. At age 41, that is not likely. This article may sound like I am anti abortion and don't want to have children.
I grew up hearing the terms "egg donor" and "sperm donor." Both terms were meant as insults. Women more so than men seemed to take offense to it and would demand respect. The pro choice movement has essentially made the man nothing more than a sperm donor. Whether it's by choice or not is another story.
In normal cases, both men and women consent to sex. One of the consequences of having sex is pregnancy. Everyone knows this. This is where pro choice comes in and creates sexism. And if you'll bare with me, I'll explain.
If a woman wants to have an abortion, it's her choice according to the pro choice movement. A guy has no say because it's her body. Sure a guy can try to take legal action to prevent it but an abortion is likely to happen before he can stop it. And the courts seem to side with the mother. I said seem, so it might not always be true. However, family court typically sides with the mother.
Now flip that. If a woman wants to keep the child, the guy has no say. He has to become a father. Now this is where people will say if a guy didn't want to have a child he should of thought about it before having sex. But that same arguement goes against the women for the previous paragraph. Why the double standard?
For an abortion a woman can use many excuses from the fact that she doesn't want kids, to she's not ready, to it was a mistake, and etcetera. However, if a guy doesn't want a child, he's called irresponsible and forced to take care of it, even if child support has to get involved. There is no out for men. Women can get away from the consequences of their actions but men cannot. Where is the equality in that?
Don't tell me the system is rigged against women as an execuse either. Your fight is for equality, not to have a law that creates superiority between the sexes. If equality is not what you're fighting for, than you're sexist.
When I suggest that if a woman gets sole power over an abortion, to even things out, to allow men the chance to opt out of a pregnancy. Essentially abort the child by giving up all legal responsibilities and obligations before it's born, I get told it's a cop out. That people don't believe in it. That a man has to take responsibility for his actions.
That's again some of the same arguements the anti abortion people make against women. And we tell anti-abortion people that they don't get to force their beliefs on to people. So why are pro choice the exception, forcing their beliefs onto men? And why is a man choosing not to have a child not an act of responsibility but if a woman aborts, it is?
Why is it women can call getting pregnant a mistake and have an abortion but if a man views it as a mistake, he cannot decide he doesn't want it? We oppose women being forced to carry and raise a child they don't want but a man has to suck it up. It's hypocritical and will always cause division between the two sexes as long as there is no equal ground. Right now there are women who weaponize abortion against men, do this or I'm ending the pregnancy.
Allowing a guy to opt out makes for a fair playing field, or as close as one can get. If a woman can deny a man the chance to have a child by having an abortion. Allowing a man to opt out will cause women to think about the pregnancy but it allows men the same freedoms as women. It can also end using pregnancy to trap men in a relationship.
Sure women will still be able to rob men of their chance of father hood but pro choice would allow equality and allow for men to opt out of the consequences of sex as well. Maybe it will also cause people of both sexes to think about whom they're sleeping with and actually talk to them before mating. Instead of just giving into primitive urges without thinking of the consequences.
Thus if a woman decided to have a kid, she could no longer force a man to be a father, just like pro choice people argue that women shouldn't be forced into being a mother, neither should men. This would make pro choice both a pro and a con for both men and women. It makes things balanced. It makes things equal.
I do agree that if a man doesn't want to have children that he should use birth control along with a condom. But i feel the same way towards women. I'm all for offering men the option to get Vasectomies, just like I'm for women getting their tubes clamped. If a guy wants to have kids, they can go in and fix things. If a woman wants to have kids, they can remove the clamps.
I'm also saying the option of opting out only lasts as long as a woman's option to terminate a pregnancy. (As long as the guy is informed she is pregnant.) This is not an opt out at anytime during the child's life. Once the kid is born. There are already legal measures that people can take for that but you're still responsible for the child until those steps are taken.
However this isnt about birth control, this is about having a choice over the consequences of pregnancy and allowing for equality and that is what I suggest here. Personally, I don't ever want my kid aborted and I would never give up my rights but not everyone shares those beliefs. I don't believe a man should tell a women whether or not she's having a kid but again, I don't think a women should be able to tell a man he has to have a kid, as long as she had the choice whether or not to have it. When that is equal, then pro choice will stop being sexist.
It's just a thought on how to improve equality among the sexes. I doubt it will ever happen in America because there always has to be superiority in anerican society. Someone has to be supreme and equality always tends to take a backseat. Even with affirmative action, there are loopholes that allow for inequality. It's just american society. And like Americans, if there's a loophole, it will be exploited for personal gain by anyone who wants an inch superiority.
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