Getting Real And Uncensored For A Minute. Warning, This Will Upset Some Who Read This.
Criminal Justice Reform is needed but there must also be an understanding of what protect, serve, and deter crime means.
There's a difference from deterring crime and harrassment. To an innocent person they can be the same but to a community as a whole, they are different and the occasional innocent person may be harrassed to protect and serve.
One can call someone an asshole but one has to deal with the consequences. Nobody has to take abuse. Sadly people accuse others of being soft or of cancel culture for acting civil or for not being tolerant of prejudice, bullying, and bigotry.
One can criticize the government but if one threatens the nation, one is subject to be treated as such.
Churches have three rules in the US:
1) help the people / community. It's part of the reason they don't get taxed.
2) Stay out of politics. One it's part of the reason they don't get taxed. Two when religion gets involved with politics it drags the government and nations down.
3) keep profits to a minimal. After all they're a charity, they're not out to make a profit. It's the other reason why they don't get taxed.
They should be regulated to keep these rules from being ignored. If these are ignored, they should be slapped with a fine and if they continue to ignore these rules, remove their status as a church and tax them like a business.
Militia are citizens soldiers. So are the national guard. In order to make the militia easier to regulate and command, the militia was made into the national guard in 1903 but since 1636 national guard and militia have been interchangeable and meant the same thing.
The people who think that it refers to the entire populace are half correct because the militia was expected to be comprised of the entire populace without mandatory service requirements.
Thus the half that they get wrong is they must be regulated to secure the safety of the country. With the number of crimes from use of arms, we need more regulations and need to stop infringing on the government's ability to regulate the people's usage of arms.
Just because we see or hear it from a news source doesn't mean it's the truth or the entire truth. News media is become a propaganda machine. And there are too many opinionist and analysts on news media stations pretending to be news that need to be slapped with an opinion label.
As citizens we have a duty to fact check the media. That includes looking at foreign news sites like BBC or Al Jezeera (if American) to see how they report the news on our nation. This doesn't just apply to Americans, if you can fact check your nations media, do so.
Social media is media and is part of the propaganda machine, even news is presented there. Any news from social media must be fact checked before taking as legitimate.
One can believe in standing up to one's government. Holding one's government accountable. And be against tyranny, scofflaws, anarchists, and terrorists like we saw on 1/6. This is why education, and the first amendment are so important.
Criminal justice reform cannot be completed without both educational and civil rights reform. To attempt one without the other two is futile.
Again, reason is not the same among everyone. We live in an uneducated judgemental technological age, where everything one says or does can be manipulated. It's true criminals don't confess but we live in a time where people get paid to manipulate words to harm innocent people.
The down side with staying silent is good people can create more victims out of fear for self preservation.
Society often judges people based off the news media before anyone stands in front of a judge or jury. Furthermore not everyone can afford a high priced lawyer and public defenders are often over worked to be able to amount the best defense.
Anytime we're asked by the government to be socially responsible, we as a population seem to get butt hurt and show that we're a self centered bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths. From labor laws to public safety laws, our government has had to impose laws to protect life because we're unable to take personal accountability or fail to see how our actions effect others.
Republicans, conservatives, and the right-wing always complain about socialism and big government getting in the way of personal accountability, yet they're the biggest recipients of socialist policies and the supporters of the most irresponsible and failed policies in the United States. And require other states to bail them out but yet other state citizens are denied the right to hold them accountable? Where's the unity in that?
I used to be against the runner up not being the vice president until I realized that we live in an age where the vice president if from a different ideology would sabotage the president instead of putting the country first.
Those who oppose community service for prisoners and think that just having them sit in a cell to think about their actions are the same ones who constantly send their children to time out for the same things and cannot figure out why their punishments aren't working. There's a difference in growing and learning what one did wrong and growing to hate the authority figure. Prisoners need to be made to feel like it's their community they're helping.
Prisoners have rights and are people. They must be treated with respect. They should have the right to vote and to get paid for their work. They're behind bars, they have lost some liberties but if we are reforming them, then their opinions matter. They matter and they must be treated as a citizen. If they are paid a fair wage, they must be taxed and if they are taxed, they must be allowed to vote. That whole taxation without representation thing, you know.
Furthermore denying voting rights to citizens regardless if they're prisoners is a form of slavery and oppression.
There's a catch 22 among people who argue against prison slavery where they want them to be treated like slaves but paid like citizens. The friends meme may sound funny but that's the arguement they make. They also strip them of their first amendment power, while advocating for them to make wages.
Further more we have all sorts of legalized slavery. From military to minimum wage workers. We allow loopholes to exploit our citizens in the name of capitalism. And Yet some citizens still oppose safety nets that keep us from being a third world nation.
The refusal to make DC, PR, and Guam states is about race and it's about conservatives trying to keep from either going extinct for being forced to shift their ideology a little to the left.
Furthermore conservative ideology is based from fear. Making decisions completely out of fear is a mental illness.
I'm not saying stop people from practicing religion. I'm saying if we educate them, they'll eventually realize it's nothing but a man made control tool.
Creating new laws to rig elections is messed up and a warning sign. Is something that happens in tyrannical countries ran by authoritarians. January 6th 2021, we had an attempt by a party to overthrow the American government. We need the power of how elections are done to be made a national standard.
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