Thank You To Generation X And The Boomers From Xennials And The Younger Generations

(Xennials 1977-1983)
Listen to your elders. Fair enough. Respect your elders. Um that's earned and it has to be given to get it. Obey your elder, yeah okay. I'm over the age, paying rent, and you're not a cop enforcing a law or a politician asking us to be socially responsible, I'm not obeying you. Yes, there are areas younger generations have to grow up in but times are changes. And you elders still have areas you need to atone for yourselves.

Remember when food from the grocery store was more budget friendly than fast food and people had time to cook at home? Or when your parents didn't care how much sugar you had or what you put in your bodies so you consumed contaminated tap watered koolaid, while processed survival foods were a staple in your childhood diet?

How about when children not only had chores but were used as cheap manual labor by the block to do landscaping and janitorial labor? When kids were bribed with money to do the parenting, while the parents went out several nights a week to act like teenagers?

Remember when it was safe for kids to play outside and you didn't care what things were made out of? When lead filled water and toxic hoses were considered acceptable? Metal slides were allowed to bake in the sun before you were allowed to play on them?

Remember when corner stores took bottle deposits and it was safe for kids to go to the store to return them without needing the entire family to come for protection or to be drove to a redemption center? Remember when bottles were made out of glass and were heavy you had a lot of them and how you had to be careful of how you handled them? Remember how much you could get for a few nickles?

Remember when the drinking age was sixteen, when seatbelts or bicycle helmets weren't required, gun safety was taught in some schools, and everyone could ride in the back of a pickup truck bed? Remember when a smack on a hand and a few dozen punches to the gut from one of your parents was considered a spanking?

Remember when your parents would force you to watch television so you could learn morals, while they pretended you didn't exsist and they thought children were to be seen and not heard? When your parents never spent time with you unless it was to impress family, coworkers, or, friends?

Remember when your parents didn't care who you hang out with or how long you would be gone as long as you informed them, so they didn't have to take the responsibility of deciding if you could go or how long you would be allowed to go, incase something happened to you their butts were covered?

How bout when your parents would send you outside to play for hours with no supervision while people like the zodiac and  alphabet killer were on the loose? How about when your generation got so bad that you had to teach us stranger danger and not to take candy from strangers?

Remember when your parents would teach you all their bad habits, tell you 2+2=5 and you knew they were wrong because you listened to your teachers but you couldn't say anything or you would get beat like mike Tyson beating his ex's and it was acceptable? Or maybe they got a belt and beat you like a rug?

Remember when getting educated was viewed as a good thing and your elders wanted you to go to school to improve your town, country and family? Remember when going to college was rare and the dream? Remember how you told us the only way we would get anywhere in life was if we went to college?

Remember when adults confused respect with fear and raised generation to fear what would happen if you didn't worship and serve them? So you complied out of fear of getting the love that could only be shown with a fist or belt?

Remember getting asked to do stuff without them saying please, and if you said no you got smacked because they weren't really asking? Remember how your elders never thanked you if you did what was asked of you?

Remember when begging and groveling were considered manners? When parents showed their kids no respect but demanded it with pleases, thanks, and servitude? When parents expected to be treated with the platinum rule but treated you like you were their third world, lower class whipping boy?

Remember when you and your parents could afford college, a vehicle, and a house while working as a retail clerk? Remember when minimum wage kept up with profits? When your parents voted and thought it was important to do so? Remember when they let you do you and you were off partying in the late 70s and all throughout the 80s and were too busy to vote as adults, leaving the voting to your elders?

Remember when you were taught to swear allegiance to our flag and that that flag could do any wrong to anyone it wanted and americans would just show it undying and unquestioning support? Remember when you started to learn to think for yourself and were learning to critically think so your parents added under god to the pledge in 1954, when it was never needed prior to that?

Any how, remember this was what we learned from you when we were kids because you did what your elders did before you? You acted like them or you acted in spite of them.

Every generation enhances what they learned from the previous generations. And typically they make it a better place for the next generation while blaming the last generation. 

Now we have half a new generation that's uncivilized and half an older generation that acts like entitled degenerates, who refuses to allow the younger generation to lead and blames all new generations for the problems generation-x and baby boomers have.

The other half of the new generation has evolved due to education from schooling, those shows we watched, and even from religion you forced on to us, to have a higher standard of morals or just the morals the we read in the bible, constitution, and bill of rights and growing up. And is trying to hold our country and elders we love accountable for their actions both in the past and present.

While the other half of the elder generations has faught and is still advocating to make it possible for the younger generation to have a better life then they had and to be allowed to leave a better place for our children.

I have grown to become misanthropic. And it's largely against those who act uncivilized, degenerated and the right wingers in this country. I say "and" but it's largely the right-wing that I find to be uncivilized and degenerates. 

Karma is like a pendulum, it always swings back. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Boomers and older generation-X taught their children to fear the elders and authority, not to respect them. That's a huge difference because once we left home, we stopped fearing our abusers and oppressors.

People complain about the current generation but the current generation was raised by immature teenagers who were doing their best to be somewhat responsible while parents in the 70s, 80s, and 90s were going out to bars, clubs, and parties five or six nights a week while paying those teenagers to raise their children.

You taught us to listen to our teachers or else, teachers who taught us to read and understand what was written in the declaration of independence, constitution, and bill of rights. The same teachers taught us to think for ourselves and to think critically. That our parents weren't always going to be right. And to remember that we had the freedom of speech but our words had consequences and to think about the consequences and timing before we spoke. Even if we were in the right. They taught us self preservation.

Our elders, the same people who told us to listen to our teachers, sent us to Sunday school where we read and heard how God or Jesus wanted us to treat people. We learned about the ten commandments and seven deadly sins. We learned about helping the poor, healing the sick and loving our neighbors among other things.

We watched television shows our elders made us watch and saw how television parents respected their children and taught them respect instead of fear. Televison shows that showed us how to treat people including people of different ethnicities and nations. Shows like The Andy Griffith, The Brady Bunch, Happy Days, Little House On The Prairie, Taxi, Perfect Strangers, Full House, Who's The Boss, Family Ties, The Jetsons, General Hospital, Days Of Our Lives, One Life To Live, All My Children, Growing Pains, Boy Meets World, Family Matters, The Cosby Show, Step By Step, Silver Spoons, Different Strokes, The Facts Of Life, Webster, Doogie Houser, 90210, Star Trek, Star Trek The Next Generation and way too many cop shows to count.

Our elders including teachers taught us about hippies, socialism, and communism. We were also taught about capitalism, corporatism, plutocracies, and authoritarianism. All throughout our lives were were taught to keep our eyes and ears open and to critically think about everything we experience, see and hear.

Not only did the baby boomers and generation-X teach us how to be but they taught us how not to be. We learned it all through you. Everything negative and positive we learned from you. Some of you should feel proud and others should feel ashamed.

Thank you for every safety net and social responsibility law that's now in place but what did your generations due that was so irresponsible that they had to create these laws and programs for xennials and every generation after us? What did your generation do?!? I'm sure I can spend hours on search engines finding out.

You didn't really have cell phones or internet otherwise a great deal of changes would've came well before us. We thank you for creating cell phones, internet, the technology in cars, and other things that we use everyday. And we thank you for all the futuristic technology shows that you made us watch that helped us create the technologies that we created.

Thank you for having us while teenagers and letting us do what ever we wanted as teens because either you wanted to be our friends or you wanted to have a social life. Yeah, we should've kept our zippers up and our legs closed but having a parent actually parent and advise and instruct us would've been helpful instead of leaving us your example that teenage pregnancy is okay.

Thank you for sending us to school (K-12) and allowing us to get a proper education, where we listened to and respected the teachers who taught us critical thinking. And thank you for having us watch television and for the religions you had us learn, and I'm not just talking about the christians and catholics but all religions.

Thank you, You taught us how the lord - gods wanted people to act, how in a perfect civilized society people should act. You gave us things to strive for and you taught us to realize religion is a tool, and allowed us to see all the holes, flaws, and contradictions that made a large portion of us convert to agnosticism all the way to atheism.

For all that you taught us, you taught us what was unacceptable and unbecoming. 

Thank you for your voting habits or lack there of which led to global warming, inflation, stagnant wages, oil dependence, out scouring, plundering of social security and medicaid, tax cuts for the wealthy, higher taxes for everyone else. Deregulation on businesses, and so much more.

And there are some of us that took that route you did. Some that are like you and some that are just a product of what you created. So we thank you for them, for showing us who and what we don't want to be so that we can do our best to evolve and eliminate unacceptable and unbecoming behaviors from humanity for all future generations.

You ask repeatedly to take accountability for our lives from the the time we came into this world and escaped the womb. We're trying with laws and regulations because we learned that we taught self accountability doesn't count for Americans. If it wasn't bad enough that our parents taught us that, republican senator Rand Paul in 2017 said "Republicans don't investigate Republican." Our own senators are telling the American people we don't hold ourselves accountable. And we know the only things that have been prove  to trickle down are corruption and dysfunction.

Accountablilty is the whole premise of small government. Personal accountability means talking care of one's self. It also means taking care of our own. Not just our families but our townsmen, our statesmen, our countrymen. Yet for years you've told people to get a job or get a better job when they ask for food or welfare. 

For years you denied climate change but complain about the record heat in the north, and the increased number of forest fires, high level hurricanes, and tornadoes. Accountability is taking blame for what we do to the planet. It's helping our species that are too poor to pay to clean up our species messes in their countries. Did you guys really forget what we accomplished as a species with live aid? 

You cried fake news. Said people needed to stop believing everything they hear. We started fact checking and calling out false information. We started reporting fake news. Now you're crying censorship. Why because we took accountability and started reporting false or misleading information to social media and demanding they tag or remove it like their company policy says. 

We're not kids anymore, your word's no longer law. Blood doesn't make right and we're allowed to hold our family accountable when they're harming our people with false words and false truths. This truth we hold evident and we must take accountability of it.

Like with information, we're trying to take accountability with Medicare for all, the green new deal, college for all, universal basic income, elimination of student debt, voting rights, criminal justice reform, LGBTQ rights, minimum wage increase, civil rights, immigration reform, human rights, child welfare rights, senior welfare rights, animal protections, among many other things.

We're also taking your advice and holding out for higher paying jobs. We know Jobs we left are essential to keeping the economy open. We also hear you saying that employees for those jobs are a dime a dozen. So where are these dime a dozen employees because were more valuable than that if those jobs are so important.

Our generation isn't having children we cannot afford. We're not buying houses or other luxuries we can't afford. We're voting, protesting, speaking out saying no more, we're even rioting. Just like back in the 1960s when your generation did it. Look you inspired us again.

So thank you now stop criticizing us for listening to you and for following your advice and examples. Take accountability and stop trying to revert to the past when we hid our problems. We've sent out olive branch after olive branch asking you to assist us in helping our nation further elove towards enlightenment. For haven's sake grab one of the olive branches already. Don't be known as the only generation not to make things better for the next generation. You still have time.

"Make America Great Again", when did it stop being great? If it was great, it was just before the last generation refused to not only make the country better for the next generation but refused to let the next generation lead the way.  The last generation for me was Generation-X. Check with historians, if it wasn't when the country stopped being great it was the point that the progress for the middle and lower classes became stagnant. 


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