A Pan-Humanist opinion after Recent Events
Debates happen on more than just Facebook. I've had enough talks about gun control, and other issues over the past decade. I don't need to have anymore. Nothing changes. I get frustrated, grow ever more misanthropic, and numb to everything because nothing changes. It's really not worth caring any more. Why care if you know nothings going to change. We do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. That's called insanity. And if we know it, and we continually have the same reactions and expectations, we're insane.
Rochester has had idk how many shootings over the last few years and I've become numb. Thoughts and prayers get issued, politicians do little to nothing, and citizens argue between being well regulated and being infringed. Why bother caring, even if by some chance a small group of people agree on something, they still have to convince the masses. And that's not likely to happen. Plus the politicians are on the take from people that benefit from not doing anything.
I mean it's a moral issue and morals aren't purposely and willfully compromisable. This is not whether the country should hold a parade because it warm out. Gun control is a moral issue, not an agree to disagree issue. I support gun control but People say gun control shouldn't be a political issue. The right to own guns without infringement is in our bill of rights. Here's an arguement made about gun control that I have heard repeatedly and it has support because 'D.C. versus Heller' took out or voided the "well regulated militia." And McDonald vs Chicago made it illegal to ban guns
Cambridge dictionary says to infringe is "to act in a way that is against a law or that limits someone's rights or freedom." Gun control is a regulation and what does it mean to regulate? According to Websters dictionary "to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of." If you're adjusting the amount, you're limiting the amount and that is infringement.
It's the same with of the problems we're having in society like Healthcare, climate change, housing, feeding the poor, education the public, and etc. And the Supreme Courts are packed with non humanist judges who vote against making the needed changes. Hell, if the pandemic didn't teach anyone that Americans are incapable of having personal accountability and being socially responsible, I don't know what will.
We get nothing done because the left and right cannot pass anything because they agree to disagree and not pass anything because again these are moral issues that they cannot agree on and politics and morals are interwoven. The left thinks the right are oppressors and domestic terrorists and the right views the left as tyrannical snowflakes. And those in the middle are viewed as lazy, entitled, scofflaws, and anarchists by both wings.
When it comes to guns, I cannot count how many times I've heard those who oppose gun control say "put a gun in everyone's hands and then if the shootings happen, so be it because the victims were armed and had the chance to defend themselves." Or how many times when it comes to police shootings where people day they "don't want cops to stop shooting people," they just "want cops to shoot everyone." And then there's the nuts who say they "been at war with a tyrannical government for around 250 years and should have every weapon the government does."
These are moral issues and if one is willing to compromise their morals when it comes to protecting civilization or the planet, we're doomed. The problem is we have too many immoral people who don't care who lives and who dies as long as they can do what they want.
There's no reasoning with immoral people. And don't say it's better to compromise with immoral people and plug one hole and leave the other 99 holes to flood, instead of trying to fixing all 100 holes and fixing none because that arguement doesn't work and when it comes to these moral issues. The boat will still sink while we're pretending we made progress. No thanks.
This scenario is exactly what people are asking us to do when they say compromise on moral issues. Fix the god damn problems and stop catering to the otherside. Stop catering to non humanists, so that they can have their profits or get away with being irresponsible at the cost of people's lives. Stop the problems while they're fixable. Get out and vote for humanists, pan-humanists, planetism supporters. I'd tell the politicians to do their jobs but centrists and those further right are doing their jobs by doing nothing, because that's why they were elected.
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