Beginners Guide To Politcs
I get told occasionally that people want to stay informed in politics including the environment but don't know where to start. I'm often asked where to start. So here is a list of sites I recommend following. Most can be found on any social media site. Twitter is the main news and info site. Anyone who says it's for socializing is wrong. I may include a few various other things to provoke thoughts and maybe open some minds.
America just attacked women's rights with a blow on abortion rights. I do my best to advocate for women, yet women label me a predidator or monster because I am male. If you're gonna vilify men, why should good men bother helping? Oh yeah because it's in our nature, even though we're treated like crap. Humanity has such potential but fails itself and the world every hour of every day. It shows it's slowly unbecoming and as it does, I lose hope in it and become more and more Misanthropic.
Remember on The World Political Scale America Is shifted to the right wing and US Democrats are actually right of center and conservative to the world.
Recommended Reading
Jan 6 reading
Start with Registering to vote
Political Test get an idea of where you stand in the political spectrum. Help understand yourself. Understand that America Is naturally right of center in the world stage. US Democrats are considered conservatives on the world stage and liberals would be Moderate to Centrist.
More recommended reading
Political Compass Test Shows on World Stage Not American.
Personality Test Bonus Test Learn your synopsis
More recommended reading:
If the party swap was a myth. Why are the confederate states republican and Bible belt? And why did the vote Democrat until the 60s? The people that deny the party swap know why.
Beware of this terminology seen in the meme below.
Consider this: The Bible and the abortion ban, researched by a friend from Vancouver, BC.
News sites: shown in the picture by wing and credibility, some news organizations have different ratings for TV & Website. YouTube and social media accounts to follow below.
Remember: Politics and morals are intertwined, it's about right and wrong. Unfortunately, some cannot tell right or wrong without religion because they lack empathy. And for those who say there must be compromise, when these are what you're compromising, how can you justify letting people be exploited, oppressed and killed? People don't cut people off over politics, they do it over morals.
YouTube: Parties have their wing affiliations (Propaganda sites not listed, well excluding right wing political parties)
Howie Hawkins Political Candidate
Greta Thunberg Environmental Advocate
Laci Green Sex Education and Political Advocate
Lin Watchorn Gender Equality Advocate
Peace and freedom Party left wing
Green Party left of center
Freedom Socialist Party left wing
Vermont Progressive Party left wing
Socialist alternative left wing
Socialist action left wing
Workers World Party left wing
Liberation News LeftWing
Communist Party Of America left wing extremists
Democrat Party center right wing
Reform Party right wing
Libertarian Party right wing
Republican Party right wing extremists
Constitutionalist Party right wing
American Solidarity Party Right Wing
Serve America Movement Right Wing
American Freedom Party Right Wing Extremists
Facebook: (same as done with YouTube) A lot of right wing pages were terminated from Facebook for sharing false and misleading information. Almost everyone I followed to monitor and get the right wing point of view violated the TOS with Facebook and was removed.
Social Democrats of America
Howie Hawkins Political Candidate
Greta Thunberg Environmental Advocate
Laci Green Sex Education and Political Advocate
Lin Watchorn Gender Equality Advocate
Movement for The People's Party
Peace and Freedom Party left wing
Green Party Of Monre County Left of center left wing
Socialist Party Of New York Left Wing
Socialist Party Of America Left Wing
Green Party Of America Left of center Left Wing
Freedom Socialist Party Left Wing
Vermont Progressive Party Left Wing
Socialist Alternative Left Wing
Socialist Action Left Wing
Workers World Party Left Wing
Socialism and Liberation Party Left Wing
Communist Party USA Left Wing Extremists
Party of Communist USA Left Wing Extremists
Democrat Party Right of Center Right Wing
Reform Party Right Wing
Libertarian Party Right Wing
Republican Party Right Wing Extremists
Constitutionalist Party Right Wing
American Solidarity Party Right Wing
Serve America Movement Right Wing
American Freedom Party Right Wing Extremists
Videos To Watch
Philosophical View Videos
Things to ponder: Ever read the definition of Libtard? By definition it makes the people who use it look dumb. "Often but not always right about societal problems and solutions," and the left is constantly told they don't know what they're talking about and are wrong.
And then there's the issue with the fillibuster. Ask the left to close the door behind them to protect what they put in place and they act mike they're unbeatable just like they acted in 2016 before Hilary lost. Understand as much harm as the fillibuster causes by allowing the right wing to block policy, it also prevents the right wing from gutting everything we take forgranted and hold dear.
These are things the fillibuster has helped protect. The lefts overconfidence and inaction will continue to be their downfall. They use the term go big or go home too often and it often bites them because they fail to think.
As a pan humanist and someone who wants equality there are some things that bother me. As an introverted misanthrope with ADD and social anxiety who suffered from various types of abuse, I can be easily triggered and have trouble letting some stuff go. Some of these videos got to me. And thus I am going to end this post with some philosophical thoughts mainly about gender equality but equality nome the less.
The above post is not about Feminism or Equality. To expect men to be your ally and to ask them to be allowed to be oppressed in the process involves manipulation by women and insanity from someone.
If that's normal behavior for men, than how can it be "all men"? By using the term "all men," women are willfully attacking men and that is misandy. This is the manipulation I am talking about. Women are attacking would be allies. How can one feel empathy or sympathy when they constantly have their character attacked by those asking for help? They're becoming what they're fighting against, what they dispise. So it makes it hard to wanna help them.
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