I'm a Pan-Humanist

Over the past few weeks I've done some reflecting, mainly self. My political tests have me all over from socialist to Libertarian socialist to trotskyism to Luxemburgism to Progressive left to

The 6 trinagles didn't give me a label. 

In 2000 something didn't sit right with me with the republican party and I went from independent to democrat.

From 2000-2008 I grew farther from the republican party. 

From 2008-2015 something wasn't sitting right with me about democrats but I wasn't sure what it was.

By 2016 I was a progressive, a social capitalist. Who saw republicans as corporatist plutonians.

From 2016-2020 I grew apart from the democratic party. I didn't think they were doing enough or willing to help people. And I republicans as fascists. 

From 2020 to present I realized I am a far left pan humanist with socialist beliefs. My opinions of republicans really haven't changed, they're still regressive fascists divided between kraterocracy, social darwinism and avaritionism. Democrats i realized only care about one thing and it's a double edged sword. 

They don't want to improve people's lives. They just don't want people's lives to get worse. It's why on the world stage, democrats are conservative. They want the world to stay as is with minimal change.

Democrats are place holders. They want the power to prevent republicans from causing more suffering then they already have. At the same time, they want the power to prevent the left from improving things more then they already have.

Some far left want a hive mind collectivism. Some want soulism and others want communialism. I'm one of those who wants pan-humanism.

I am a Pan-Humanist but because some how pan-humanism which is supposed to be for the benefit all people, can also be right-wing which is about greed and or power; I have to say I am a Pan-Humanist with socialist views. 

Unfortunately there is no Pan-Humanist Party in America.

And America Is slowly turning me into a Misanthropic Pan-Humanist 
I'm also an Ennagram type-5 INTJ and here is my big 5 test scores. I wish it dove more deeply into things because I think some of my scores are off but for the most part it seems accurate.


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