An Inference Of What Einstein Was Saying In 'Why Socialism'.

Why Socialism by Albert Enstein, here's what I took away from it.

Experts are not the only ones with valid opinions and solutions to our problems. And In times of hardship people will turn on each other. Everyone's voice must be heard and all solutions must be considered.

People's behaviors are influenced by their society and culture and change over time. And to which society and culture also change over time. What people did 100 years ago is not what they would do today. And what we do today, we wouldn't 100 years ago and probably wouldn't 100 years from now. How we act, our demeanor is all product of our individual and societal now.

Countries cannot survive on their own and specific aspects of modern life are irreversible. Sure tiny specs of people can live self sufficiently but larger communities and societies are dependent on each other. Humans are reliant and at the mercy of society. And thus all of humanity needs to be one communialist society.

Businesses are hurting society and the system allows it by allowing them to be. Workers cannot receive a fair wage because their product varies in value and is not constant. Wall street owns the media and controls information. And they have power over employment contracts. And just because people need work, doesn't mean they'll be able to. The system is designed that way.

Business uses fear of unemployment to oppress workers and workers health suffers for it. That is why they keep a pool of unemployed in the population. Schools prepare students for this type of abuse. Socialism isn't just for in the work force but it must be in schools. Einstein basically suggests teaching students humanism. 

The system must be repealed and replaced. Not doing so allows the corrupt to seize control and to oppress, exploit and even enslave society. Those who say "tear everything down and we'll figure things out later," are setting people up for suffering. Socialism isn't just about tearing down, it's about protecting humanity. Infact tearing everything down is useless if humanity isn't protected.


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