A Rebuttal To Comrades

If one does not support allowing others in 2024 to claim supreme power, authority, and control over regions of the earth, and the separation of individuals or items from a larger group of people for special treatment or observation, they are labeled a colonizer and said not to want to be made uncomfortable. If you tell me that's not what you're advocating for, by definition, I'll tell you that you're not advocating for sovereignty or the segregational or solo control of stewardship and control of the land.

The definition of Collectivism is (Noun): The ideal that the fundamental unit of the human species that lives, thinks, and acts towards common goals is not the individual but some group. This group is the whole human species, and it acts as a superorganism, separate from individuals.

We are done giving one people control and power over any region. We have learned our lesson. It may have taken some of us longer than others, but we're there. There are quotes from indigenous leaders like Chief Seattle, Black Elk, Chief Joseph of Nez Perce, Rebecca Adamson, and others that I have found, which explain things succinctly. These quotes say that we don't own the earth, we don't inherit it, but rather borrow it from future generations; that we are one people; and that it is our responsibility to protect the planet for our collective future.

Our problems are not just localized on the American continents. What happens around the globe eventually affects all of us in some capacity. And we cannot protect and solve our problems as a species if we're too busy fighting over borders and stewardship. The red tape involved in doing so makes everything inefficient. Lal salam, Ubuntu, Félagskapr, One Voice, Ke Dóó Hózhóôuitū, Ohana-Hive Mana'o, and Yili Xing. This phrase, in order, circles the globe, showing our interconnectedness. It means: "Greetings, I am because we are, a community with one voice, living in harmony, balance, and peace, as a family with shared consciousness, of our interconnectedness and oneness.".

It's ironic that people want others to listen to them, but when others' ideologies incorporate their people's words, they claim that person is not their ally. Europeans have broken their promises for thousands of years. Some people claim that their community's words hold more honor compared to Europeans, but when outsiders suggest uniting humanity as one and reclaiming the earth from colonizing oppressors who rule over us all, we want to share in equal rights, responsibilities, and stewardship, recognizing that we are all indigenous to the earth. However, all of a sudden, the words of their people are forgotten, and they show no interest in unity and oneness.

Humanism (Noun): A way of life centered on human interests or values, especially a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason, logic, and naturalism, as opposed to religious dogma and supernaturalism.

Communism (Noun): A system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common with actual ownership ascribed to the community as a whole. It is characterized by a classless society, a transitional stateless process, and the equal distribution of economic goods. It is to be achieved by revolutionary and dictatorial collectivism, rather than gradualistic means. Communism is considered the ultimate and final form of humanism, and in the 21st century, it can only truly function via a hive-mind.

Or are you desiring your own colonizing imperialism which is by definition:

Colonizing (Verb): to take control of an area especially as an extension of state power : to claim territory as a colony or community.

Imperialism (Noun): the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of various or expansive areas.

There's a fine line between the mentalities of those desiring sovereignty and colonizing imperialism, as both revolve around supreme power and authority. However, where this line has been crossed, the consequences are starkly evident. It's crucial to acknowledge that no group is immune to this pitfall, and many movements worldwide are infiltrated by chauvinistic supremacists. It's astonishing that this reality isn't more widely recognized, as every group has its share of individuals who succumb to these harmful and divisive ideologies.


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