A Rant To Friends And Family

It's okay to talk and share your feelings with family and friends. Sometimes there is no nice way or appropriate time to talk to them. This was my little rant I shared to Facebook. I broke it down in to three small posts for them but here is my rant. I hope it inspires you to be open with family and friends.

I share more than just hobbies, personal stuff, and things I'm trying to sell. I share news, politics, and important issues that impact us all. I share missing/found animals and people because it matters. So, how about you share something that actually matters once in a while?

As an asocial misanthrope, I don't leave my 'bubble' – but that doesn't mean I'm anti-social. In fact, I think about the world outside my bubble, and that matters far more than my physical presence in anyone else's space. Try focusing on things that matter outside your little world. And for christ sakes, if you don't want to vote, get involved in your local community and neighborhood associations. Stop being selfish pricks.

I'm Asocial, Introverted, Misanthropic, and whatever else is 'wrong' in my head. Sick of being labeled: 'You're an asshole!' 'You're anti-social!' 'You're faking it because you don't act the way we think you should!' No, I'm not any of those things. I'm neurodivergent.

And to those who can't comprehend that, remember: the average person's understanding is stuck at an elementary school level. Sorry, but you don't get to dictate how I should behave, think, or live just to fit your narrow idea of 'normal'. I'm not neurotypical, deal with it.

To those who criticize me, especially you Religious, Conservatives, and American Libertarians, do yourself a favor: seek mental help for your undiagnosed issues. Your misunderstanding of neurodivergence, among other things, makes you toxic. Your ignorance and bigotry are everyone's problem.

I'll keep it simple, considering the varying comprehension levels here. We're all grown, so:

- If you want/need something, ask.

- If you want someone to know something, tell them.

- If you don't ask/share, it's not important to you or you don't want them to know.

- Anything one sees/hears/experiences is their business, even if it pertains to you.

- If you see drama being posted/discussed, congratulations! You've learned something new about them and yourself – what matters to them and what doesn't to you.

- If you constantly complain about drama with someone, why associate with them? You clearly don't like them, even if they're family.


- Blood doesn't make right, regardless of who it is, including elders.

- Not challenging others, including family, when they're wrong is disrespectful to everyone.

- People don't cut others off over politics, they cut them off over principles and morals, it's a matter of character integrity. You are what you tolerate.

- It's not hypocritical to call people out for things you did in the past but no longer do, or for things you're currently struggling with stopping/changing.

- It's not rude to ask people if they're seeing a mental health professional and to suggest it if they display signs of mental problems.

- Family is not required to act how you think their specific relation should act, we're not in a hallmark movie.

- It's not rude to suggest or tell someone to see a doctor if they display medical problems that aren't being treated.

- Unless you're married or responsible for minors, nobody's obligated to another – no one is special.

Note: This doesn't apply to taxes (although you can complain if they're not used humanely), social safety nets, and social responsibilities – you inhumane ass-hat.

And to those spewing Egoistic or Social-Darwinistic Magalomaniac and Sociopathic ideologies, I have no patience for your harmful beliefs. You know who you are. As a humanist, It's my duty to tell you that you have an ugly and toxic soul/personality.

For those who don't understand this message still, grab a dictionary and thesaurus – educate yourself, because I cannot say it any simpler.


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