It's principled not purist. Infighting required oneness.

While temporary alliances can be strategic, ignoring fundamental differences in principles and ideologies can compromise our integrity and values. The left is often mistakenly seen as a monolith, but it encompasses diverse perspectives that cannot be ignored. In reality, the left comprises various quadrants, each with distinct beliefs and goals. Communism represents authoritarian altruism, prioritizing collective ownership and distribution, often with a strong central authority. Ancom, on the other hand, embodies egoistic volunteerism, emphasizing voluntary cooperation and individual freedom. Meanwhile, socialism seeks democratic communalism, balancing individual rights with collective ownership and decision-making through democratic processes. These differences matter, and acknowledging them is crucial for maintaining our integrity and ensuring effective collaborations. We don't share the same goals, means, or visions for the future, and it's essential to respect these differences. Let's work together where possible, but also be prepared to engage in constructive debates and disagreements when our principles and values diverge. We have to be one for infighting. Our ideologies and principles are not one, even if we're all human. It's principled, not purist.


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