Things All Sociists And Communists Should Know

There's been a lot of talk about party forming. About ideological purity and purity tests, Infighting and in calling between those on the left. There are those that say all one needs is to be a good person and to focus on mutual aid and those who say that is not enough to bring on revolutionary change. Those who say to be communist one just needs understanding humanism and those who say theory is needed. Those who say the state must be kept as a tool, either replaced or reformed, and those who say the state must be abolished as soon as possible. Here's what I think one should know but beware anarchists may disagree.

So socialism's potential flaw is that it challenges capitalist ownership but not necessarily capitalist values like selfishness and greed, merely it's redistributing power without reforming underlying ideology. Workers seek control over the means of production but what is the intent, what are their values? This is what must be known of worker movements, and why even in the beginning stages, temporary alliances must be used, and the willingness to not only call out members unbecoming of movements but banishing such members is necessary and critical for success.

Workers seek control over means of production for either social reason and benefit, individualist reasons and benefit. Workers seek control to either prevent or cause exploitation by autonomy. Recognizing individual freedom can lead to selfishness and wanting or avoiding collective control to safeguard against internal exploitation. This is why intent of the workers in the movements matter. A socialist movement full of capitalist workers aiming to rearrange the hierarchy and make themselves the leaders over the current class of peasants and elites isn't a successful socialist movement, is it? The socialist movement must be geared towards an altruistic culture shift that gets away from the vices seen as virtues under capitalism.

The altruistic cultural shift must be intrinsic to the movement itself, not a hoped-for consequence embodied in its values, actions, leadership, and participant mindset from inception. The socialist movement must embody the altruistic society it seeks to create and model collective empathy and cooperation internally to manifest externally.

Vetting morals and principles during movement building safeguards against influx of counterrevolutionary elements, ensuring only those aligned with altruistic values join the collective effort. Big tent approaches, welcoming anyone regardless of principles, dilute revolutionary purity, allowing selfish interests, capitalist mentality, and even state infiltrators to corrupt the movement from within. A strict vetting process is crucial because the movement must embody the altruistic cultural shift it seeks to create, and this can only happen if movement leaders and participants are pure and true in their beliefs. The movement can educate as it goes but strick enforcement of values must be held. This must be done by an inner circle of leaders as discussed by Lenin in "left-wing communism, an Infantile disorder."

This is essential to the movement's success. The inner circle must keep members informed while also operating on a need to know basis for operational security reasons, understanding the the spotlight is not the friend of leadership in the movement as a whole and members must use discretion except when not necessary. So members can recruit, and act, while at the same time not doing anything that can jeopardize the movement itself. Lenin outlined this in what is to be done. Whether or not the leadership continues after the workers seize control is depending on the type of movement it is and it's goals. A socialist movement's goals is for the workers to seize control of the means of production, at this point the socialist will have reached their goal, so where they go from there is depending on them. A Communist movement must continue to maintain leadership and continuity of the movement.

For communists, they must follow the rules of the dictatorship of the proletariat during this period of transition, meaning a time of authoritarianism or obligatory has begun to make the transition possible. This will help suppress counter-revolutionary, dispose of oppertunusts, and disrupt dissenus opinion. Intense education will help deprogram capitalist ideologies and lead to cultural shifts among the proletariat, where vices that were turned virtue by the corrupt, will once again be seen as vices. This will create a communist consciousness, which is enough to satisfy many but it still leaves many problems, which is why it must be a hive-mind communist consciousness or bust, we cannot allow people to put things before humanity and the planet; individual autonomy is fine but it will never be allowed to endanger the people, obligatory altruism must take priority. This will become overtime a natural neurological-collective-symbiosis where people act out of instinct. Hive-mind collectivism, the ultimate form of communism and the final form of humanism. If you wanna know what parts and why anarchists disagree, seek them out.

Go far enough down the communist path and you become a Tankie; venture far enough into Anarcho-communism and you become a Destructivist. Stay stagnant and you become a brittle and frail, exploited shell of a human being.

Also, one last thing, the historical examples provided in communist theory, such as the experiences of certain leaders, nations, or movements, are supplemental and not crucial to understanding the underlying principles of communism. Instead, they serve as illustrative examples of what to do and what not to do, providing practical lessons for those seeking to implement or teach communist ideals beyond the foundational principles of humanism, altruism, basic leadership, and being a good person.

If you aim to become an influencer of communist theory, or possibly socialist theory, learning historical context provides valuable fallback references. From my experience, anarchists seem less concerned with theoretical foundations, so Ancom influencers probably won't care about historical context, as anarchists are all about action and getting recorded in history then knowing it.


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